Easter Weekend
#West Baton Rouge
We headed to Louisiana for an Easter weekend with the family.
Every time we head home to West Baton Rouge, we hit traffic around Lafayette. What’s up with that, universe? That being said, Maddie has been an amazing traveler the past few months. She can entertain herself with her books and toys for the entire 5-hour trip. But every now and then Lauren and I let her watch a movie if we’re in the car longer than expected. I caught this funny shot when she was watching the Lion King!
Day one: Visiting exploring and hunting
After a good night’s sleep, we started out the day visiting with family. After lunch, we headed to Breck Park with her cousins, and after that, we headed to LSU to explore and see Mike the tiger. Sadly, she didn’t get to interact with Mike, because he was napping, but she at least got to see a big kitty, even if he was sleeping.
Day Two: Easter Day
Pro Tip: The key to good parenting is to roll with your toddler and be prepared to not get what you and your significant want more than 15% of the time. Remember this, and you’ll be golden.
Nothing is easy with raising a toddler. THE WANT: We had a beautiful yellow dress for her to wear and wanted to get pictures of her with the family. THE REALITY: The dress didn’t stay on for long because it wasn’t as easy to climb EVERYTHING IN SIGHT, so it came off and shorts and a shirt took its place… or so mom and I thought… Recall that pro tip now.
Pro Tip: Carrying your toddler up a 40ish degree incline is both a great workout for your arms and your legs. Breathe slowly and consistently and you’ll do great.
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p: 225.978.1835 e: rich@richroth.net
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